At Teller we are building the infrastructure that connects your users’ financial accounts safely and securely to your applications. Because there are few things more sensitive to us all than our financial information, security has been core to everything we do at Teller from before we even wrote the first line of code.
In order for us to successfully deliver on Our Mission we need to earn and maintain customer and end-user trust. We’ve always been committed to adopting and adhering to the highest levels of data security and privacy standards, but providing evidence of our strong security posture and internal controls enables us to prove that we do everything that we say we do. This led us to pursue a SOC 2 audit and certification.
SOC 2 is based on AICPA’s Trust Service Criteria. SOC 2 audit reports focus on an organization’s non-financial reporting controls as they relate to Security, Availability, Confidentiality, Processing Integrity and Privacy of a system. There are two levels of SOC 2 compliance: Type 1 certifies an organizations compliance at a single point in time, and Type 2 that signifies continuous compliance over a minimum period of 6 months.
A SOC 2 Type 2 audit is the gold standard for security compliance and we are pleased to announce that we achieved compliance in December of last year. In achieving SOC 2 Type 2 compliance we maintain our adherence to one of the most stringent, industry-accepted auditing standards for service companies and provide additional assurance to our customers, through an independent auditor, that our business process, information technology and risk management controls are properly designed.
The official audit report provides a thorough review of our internal controls, policies, and processes for our APIs. It also reviews our processes relating to risk management and vendor due diligence, as well as our entire IT infrastructure, software development life cycle, change management, logical security, network security, physical & environmental security, and computer operations.